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Cactus Canyon
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Dogs and Arthritis

It is very rare for a dog to age and not develop arthritis to some extent in his or her later years. All dogs and arthritis pretty much go together for pet owners of canines in their later years. Although there are no cures for osteoarthritis and canines it is possible for pet owners to minimize the symptoms and make the dog more comfortable in his later years if he or she is suffering from this joint disease.

Dogs and arthritis have created an entire industry for helping dog owners cope with this disease. Not only are there many prescribe medications for assisting canines with arthritis, there are many natural supplement products available on the market today which can not only aid in the short term for treating arthritis but they also offer long-term rebuilding capabilities for ensuring proper joint health.

It's very sad to watch as older dogs began suffering more and more from arthritis. You'll notice the signs of arthritis as they have trouble negotiating stayers and moving around easily as they did as younger dogs. Oftentimes they will also emit whimpering sounds when lying down arising from a sitting position. When you notice these signs as an owner always take your canine to a veterinarian right away to determine if arthritis is the cause of the problems.

Dogs and arthritis are one of the most common reasons veterinarians see for office visits. They may suggest medications or supplements to help the canine deal with the disease. Always be aware there are no cures for arthritis and that the disease will only progress is the dog ages. This is not to say that measures cannot be taken to give the dog comfort while suffering from the disease. Most dogs will respond well to some form of treatment and can enjoy happier and healthier lives as they age.



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